Podcast: Bob Chapman at the Aspen Ideas Festival
August 02, 2017

- Bob Chapman
CEO & Chairman of Barry-Wehmiller
Over the last few years, I have been honored to present the message of Truly Human Leadership to more and more audiences.
Whether to a group of manufacturing executives, city government leaders, business students, human resources professionals, and countless others, my goal remains the same. I want people to understand the profound responsibility of their leadership and how it touches the lives of every person in their sphere of influence.
As I recently posted, I was invited to speak at the Aspen Ideas Festival, among many other leaders and thinkers. It is my hope that our message took root in many of the discussions that occurred and will continue to resonate afterward, causing action and change in more and more organizations.
On this episode of the Everybody Matters Podcast, we’d like to share my talk in the hope that it will inspire you as well.
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Need help in applying principles of Truly Human Leadership in your organization? Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, engage employees, improve corporate culture and develop outstanding leaders through leadership training, assessments and workshops.
Find out more at ccoleadership.com