Podcast: Finding Time To Lead With Leslie Peters
March 29, 2017

- Bob Chapman
CEO & Chairman of Barry-Wehmiller
When Leslie Peters talks about her book, Finding Time to Lead: Seven Practices to Unleash Outrageous Potential, she explains it like this:
“I call these practices for a reason, because we’re practicing. They’re not things we’re ever going to really get every day.”
And isn’t that something we’ve said time and again – leadership is a journey. You never reach your destination, you just keep learning along the way.
On this week’s episode, Leslie talks about her book and her leadership practices which offers clear steps and instruction on how to be a better leader.
Listen as Leslie and Sara Hannah, of our BW Leadership Institute (now Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute, read more here.) have a great conversation about Finding Time to Lead. They also drop a few tips of their own along the way.
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