Podcast: Lynne Twist and the Soul of Money
February 27, 2017

- Bob Chapman
CEO & Chairman of Barry-Wehmiller
We’re caught in the rigidity of an old system that’s no longer appropriate. So I say the work is to, together, hospice the death of the old structures and systems that no longer serve us – they’re unsustainable, which means they’re dying and they are falling apart – while we midwife the new structures and systems that are consistent with a sustainable, just, fulfilling, caring future we all want. And hospicing and midwifing are acts of witnessing and love. Things that are dying die faster when they’re on hospice and they die with respect. The structures and systems that no longer serve us, we need to respect them – they gave us everything we’ve got now, but they’re no longer appropriate – while we midwife new structures and systems that we see are now appropriate for the world we want.
This is a quote by my dear friend Lynne Twist, which is part of her talk on this week’s Everybody Matters podcast. It’s a powerful way of looking at the old, traditional business structures that we have committed to transform. Lynne believes, just as we at Barry-Wehmiller do, that business can be an amazing force for good in the world.
Lynne and I met a few years ago at a leadership conference and immediately connected. When I met her, I issued her a very firm challenge, which she talks about on this episode. You will also hear how Lynne is working to fulfill that charge, as well as other emotional stories about her journey.
When you hear Lynne talk you will be inspired. And when you’re finished listening, you’ll be left with one question: what stand are you going to take?
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